Service Contract 53 (Onshore Mindoro)

Service Contract 53 (SC53) was awarded by the Department of Energy on July 8, 2005, for a ten years exploration period. It covers 6,600 sq. km. of the onshore areas of Mindoro Island which is within the North Palawan Micro-Continental Block. Past exploration efforts in SC 53 included the acquisition of 2,000 kilometers of 2D seismic data and the drilling of 4 exploration wells. Three of the 4 wells encountered oil and gas but were considered non-commercial at the time of drilling.

The consortium entered into a Farm-In Agreement with Pitkin Petroleum Ltd. (Pitkin) which was approved by the Department of Energy on June 11, 2008. Under the Farm-In Agreement, Pitkin completed a magneto-telluric survey in onshore Mindoro and acquired in May, 2010, over 200 kilometers of 2D seismic designed to delineate and assess the hydrocarbon potential of the Progreso-1X in San Jose, Mindoro Occidental and the Sablayan, Mindoro Occidental.

On July 11, 2011, Resource Management Associates Pty Limited of Australia signed a Farm In Agreement with Pitkin Petroleum to acquire 35% from its 70% participating interest. In November 11, 2011, Pitkin Petroleum reported that Sub-Phase 1, which was to end March 6, 2012, was fulfilled with the completion of the 200 kilometers of seismic data. Sub-Phase 2 which carries a minimum work obligation of 2 wells and a financial commitment of US$2.0 million, have been extended up to the resolution of the complaint filed by Famatodi, Inc., an organization of indigenous peoples in Mindoro and the issuance of the Certificate of Precondition by the National Commission of Indigenous Peoples.

The consortium agreed to drill Progreso-2 to fulfil one of the 2 well obligations and the planned geology and geophysical works will be negotiated as fulfilment of the second well. Preparations are on-going for the drilling of Progreso-2, with a target spud date in October, 2014. The Company has a 3% participation in this service contract.