PT Basic Energi Solusi (PT BES), a subsidiary of Basic Energy Corporation (PSE: BSC) reported that as of November 4, 2014, the third well (BES-3) has commenced production testing. Actual data will be collected for analysis and shall be provided separately upon completion of the production testing. The test is to determine flow rates using artificial lift method or to further conduct other Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) methods to flow the oilfield.
In BES 3, PT BES is using an Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) to artificially lift oil from the field. PT BES will also assess using other EOR methods after results are in. The production testing program, as of this, report included the setting of the ESP at various depths and determining production rates. The initial activities is to clean up the hole and set the ESP near the perforated zones.
PT BES is scheduled to test BES 4 and BES 6 within November 2014.
BASIC ENERGY CORPORATION, a listed company focusing on renewable energy (RE) and alternative fuels, aims to develop 500 megawatts (MW) of wind and 500 MW of solar energy projects by 2030, according to its chief executive officer (CEO). “In the next five years, [we aim] to build a portfolio of around 500 megawatts in wind…
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