ASP-1Alain S. Pangan, 43 years old, Filipino, a Certified Public Accountant, was engaged as Vice President for Finance of the Corporation, effective January 2018 and holds that position to the present. Prior to joining the Company, he was the Investment and Treasury Manager of Enfinity Asia Pacific Holdings Limited – Manila ROHQ and Enfinity Philippines Technology Services, Inc., a renewable energy company with international activities in solar and wind energy, for more than three (3) years. He has more than seven (7) years of audit, compliance and advisory work with reputable Philippine audit/advisory firms.

He attended the seminars on corporate governance conducted by SGV & Co. in 2018 and 2019. He attended the corporate governance seminar conducted by the Institute of Corporate Directors for new directors and officers of listed companies in December, 2021. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Accountancy from the Far Eastern University.