Hydro-Power Energy

The Company is likewise involved in the exploration, development and production of hydro-power energy. It has been awarded service contracts for the following areas by the Department of Energy, which prescribes the periods and programs for these service contracts, pursuant to R.A. 9513 ( Renewable Energy Act of 2008).

The Malogo 2 Hydropower Project was awarded to the Company in February 2014 and is situated in Cadiz City and Victorias City in Negros Occidental. It is situated on the northern slopes of the North Negros Protected Park. Malogo 2 is a run-of-river mini-hydropower scheme of development. The two branches of the Malogo River will each have a weir site, wherein both headrace channels lead to a common powerhouse located in the confluence of the two river branches. Map studies indicate that Malogo 2 has a combined indicative capacity of 5 MW. The headrace lengths run 1.3 km and 2.3 km each, while the gross head between both weirs and the powerhouse site is 80 m. Confirmation of these preliminary data is being conducted via a feasibility study currently being conducted by the Company.

The Puntian I Hydropower Project was awarded to the Company in February 2014 and is situated along Puntian River in the municipality of Murcia, Negros Occidental. It is located on the southwestern slopes of the North Negros Protected Park. Puntian I is a run-of-river mini-hydropower scheme of development, wherein a portion of the river water is diverted to a channel leading to a powerhouse located downstream of the diversion structure. Map studies indicate that Puntian I has an indicative capacity of 4 MW. The headrace length runs 1.95 km, while the gross head is 60 m. Confirmation of these preliminary data is being conducted via a feasibility study currently being conducted by the Company.

The Puntian II Hydropower Project was awarded to the Company in February 2014 and is situated along Puntian River in the municipality of Murcia, Negros Occidental. It is located on the southwestern slopes of the North Negros Protected Park. Puntian II is a run-of-river mini-hydropower scheme of development, wherein a portion of the river water is diverted to a channel leading to a powerhouse located downstream of the diversion structure. Map studies indicate that Puntian II has an indicative capacity of 5 MW. The headrace length runs 1.5 km, while the gross head is 100 m. Confirmation of these preliminary data is being conducted via a feasibility study currently being conducted by the Company.

The Talabaan Hydropower Project was awarded to the Company in February 2014 and is situated in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental. It is situated on the northern slopes of the North Negros Protected Park. Talabaan is a run-of-river mini-hydropower scheme of development along the Talabaan River, wherein a portion of the river water is diverted to a channel leading to a powerhouse located downstream of the diversion structure. Map studies indicate that Talabaan has an indicative capacity of 5 MW. The headrace lengths run 2 km, while the gross head is 80 m. Confirmation of these preliminary data is being conducted via a feasibility study currently being conducted by the Company.

These service contracts carry a two-years non-extendible period for pre-development. For the first year program, these projects are undergoing evaluation of existing data, permitting and coordination with the local government units involved.